

The Stuyvesant Math Team holds weekly practices after school from 3:45 - 5pm.

Tuesdays - Freshman/Sophomores

Students from the freshman and sophomore classes combine to work on their problem solving and collaborative skills. These practices are also open to interested students who are not currently on the team (i.e. who are not in the class). Juniors and seniors on the math team also attend to help the younger students build up their skills.

Wednesdays - AMC/AIME Practice

We often have additional practices on Wednesdays to prepare students for the AMC and AIME competitions. These are open to any interested students, not just those in the math team class.

Fridays - Juniors/Seniors

Students from the junior and senior classes combine to practice teamwork and problem solving. In addition to general practices, Fridays can often be geared towards preparing students for various competitions where they compete as part of the NYC Math Team.